Sim Manipulator
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Restorable car is recolorable

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Restorable car is recolorable Empty Restorable car is recolorable

Post  Aaroneous Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:07 am

Enables the restorable car(once the car is completed) to have it's paint job changed in Buy Mode or the with Design tool. It also allows SimPe to make recolors of the car that do not replace the default colors.

Requires the Free Time expansion pack and CEP to work properly.

There are two files in the zip. CEP-EXTRA_RestorableCar.package and CEP-EXTRA_RestorableCar_MMAT.package. CEP-EXTRA_RestorableCar.package needs to be installed at My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\zCEP-EXTRA. And CEP-EXTRA_RestorableCar_MMAT.package needs to be installed at Program Files\EA Games\Sims 2\TSData\Res\Sims3D.

You can download the file here

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Restorable car is recolorable Empty Ultimate Collection question

Post  gayars Wed Feb 11, 2015 3:01 pm

Does that mean to put it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Double Deluxe\Base\TSData\Res\Sims3D in the sims 2 ultimate collection?

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Restorable car is recolorable Empty Re: Restorable car is recolorable

Post  Aaroneous Thu Feb 12, 2015 7:25 pm

Yes that's the correct spot for the Sims 2 Ultimate Collection, I am currently using the mod with Ultimate Collection and so far no problems with the mod.

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Restorable car is recolorable Empty Thanks!

Post  gayars Sat Feb 14, 2015 12:08 am

ok cool! Thanks!

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Restorable car is recolorable Empty Re: Restorable car is recolorable

Post  tangent888 Mon May 25, 2015 6:48 pm

This is awesome, but I've found a slight issue with it: when it's installed (whether or not I actually have any recolors in my downloads folder), the "paint" interaction no longer works properly. The sim does paint the car, but it always turns out the default blue (if painting for the first time) or unchanged (if it was already fully restored and painted) instead of whatever color I specified. (Even though the color of the spray effect seems to be correct--so it can apparently tell what it's supposed to be doing.)

Is this resolvable, or is the paint interaction just basically incompatible with having the car be recolorable the normal way?

Also, in neighborhood view and in the icon, it seems like it thinks the car is whatever color I last told the sim to paint it (or apparently unrestored!), instead of whatever color it actually is. (Here's what happens: I tell the sim to paint the car silver as the final step in restoring it. It turns out blue. I save and exit to the neighborhood. The car appears to be unrestored. I enter the lot again and use the design tool to recolor the car--still blue--to Maxis orange (which turns the car orange, as it should). I save again and exit to the neighborhood. Now the car appears fully restored, but silver. I enter the lot again and tell the Sim to paint it green. It remains orange. I have them drive somewhere--the icon showing what they're doing shows a green car now, though the "driving somewhere" loading screen shows an orange car. I take them home, save, and exit to the neighborhood. Neighborhood view now shows a green car.)

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Restorable car is recolorable Empty Re: Restorable car is recolorable

Post  Aaroneous Mon May 25, 2015 7:31 pm

This is a bug that never popped up in my testing of the mod. However just I was now able to reproduce the bug. I am unsure what causes it, But I will look into it.

That is a known issue, Up to this point I have been unable to fix. I suspect that both issues are related.

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Restorable car is recolorable Empty Re: Restorable car is recolorable

Post  tangent888 Mon May 25, 2015 7:49 pm

There's another thing, but I don't know if it's related to your mod at all. Sometimes, when I tell them to paint the car, the interaction gets randomly canceled before they start. It doesn't kill the rest of their queue--I can have several "paint car" interactions queued up and one in the middle might get dropped. It's not every time, or even half the time, but it was often enough to be a nuisance when I was having a sim paint a bunch of cars. And they had a clear path (and were perfectly able to paint the car when I told them to do it again), hadn't been interrupted by anything that I could see, and their needs were all fine (in fact I've been using the Sim Manipulator to cheat their needs to stay maxed out while doing this, since the goal was just to get a bunch of cars ready to test/display some recolors I'm making).

(It could easily just be a bug in the object or game itself, or somehow related to one of the many other mods I've got installed, and just one I hadn't encountered before. It does seem to be related to the same interaction, though, so I thought there was a chance it had to do with the mod.)

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Restorable car is recolorable Empty Re: Restorable car is recolorable

Post  Aaroneous Fri May 29, 2015 10:22 am

That sounds more like a quirk of the game then a bug with my mod. I mean I suppose it's possible, But my mod doesn't mess with any of the interactions. I just changed the mesh to allow recolors.

Up to this point I have been unable to fix the restorable car not properly updating it's paint job when a sim paints it. I am thinking of right now of cloning the entire car(the completed version) and making it separate object so it doesn't interfere with the sim's painting the car.

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